Field of Fun & Freedom

Refund Policy

Effective date: June 1, 2023

We are increasingly getting messages asking us to move or refund appointments which do not meet with our Refund Policy of 48 hours notice. Messages like ‘We booked the wrong day by mistake’ seem to be a pretty regular occurrence.

Please can we ask you to consider the fact we are a small local business who, despite our own living costs rocketing, have not increased the field rental costs for 3 years. If you were to turn up to work and be told that you weren’t getting paid for one hour that day or the next day you’d probably feel miffed so please refrain from doing the same to us.

Our Refund Policy was put in place to protect us as a small business. Please can we ask that you respect it. Thank you

Should you cancel your slot three times in a row, we reserve the right to no longer take bookings from you.

We will refund your payment via the means in which payment was received.