Field of Fun & Freedom


Effective date: June 1, 2023

By making a booking, you are automatically agreeing to abide by the Rules, Terms & Conditions.  Please therefore read them thoroughly.

  1. PARK IN CAR PARK – Park in the designated car park once your session has begun
  2. COLLECT DOG POO – All dog poo must be collected in the biodegradable poo bags provided and placed in the poo bin provided. (Failure to adhere to this rule could result in the offending person(s) being banned indefinitely).
  3. ACCOMPANY YOUR DOGS(S) – You should accompany your dog(s) at all times, so you are aware of what your dog(s) is/are doing and that they are safe and complying to the rules, terms and conditions.
  4. RUNNY POOPS – Should your dog do a runny poop while at the field, please use water from the water bowser to wash the poop into the ground.
  5. ARRIVE & LEAVE ON TIME – Departure: If for any reason beyond your control (unable to retrieve your dog for example) you will still be onsite after your time slot has elapsed, please call 07887 674747. Arrival: Please DO NOT arrive early as we have purposely left a 10 minute window between bookings so reactive dogs & shy owners are not affected by the sight/smell of other dogs/people. If you do arrive early, please see Rule 2.
  6. WAITING AREA & ENGINE OFF – If you arrive early, park in the specified waiting spot, stay inside the car with your dog(s) with your engine switched off.
  7. 3 DOGS & 2 VEHICLES ONLY – A maximum of 3 dogs and 2 vehicles can be used on one booking. (Additional dogs can be added to the booking but this is strictly with permission and prior to your arrival. Additional costs will be incurred.)
  8. ACCEPTABLE NOISE LEVELS – Please refrain from making unnecessary loud noises or allowing your dog to continually bark as we have a neighbour and want our paddock to be a peaceful setting. Furthermore 7-9am bookings are ‘quiet slots’ together with bookings past 7pm.
  9. NO LITTER OR BROKEN TOYS/BALLS – No litter (including broken toys/balls) whatsoever must be left on site. This includes uneaten treats as some dogs have specialist diets.
  10. NO DIGGING – Please DO NOT allow your dog to dig at the fences, in grassland or in the barked areas. Digging is permitted in the sand area only.
  11. KEEP GATES CLOSED – At all times, all gates must be closed (and locked where locks are present) once you have driven or passed through them.
  12. EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN IN SITU – All equipment in the paddock shall not be moved to another area of the paddock. The equipment is placed in specific areas of the paddock for a reason.
  13. NO ANIMAL TETHERING – At no time or under any circumstances should a dog be tethered/tied to any structures in the paddock including fences and trees.
  14. SECURITY – For security your vehicle(s) registration number(s) must be added to every booking you make. CCTV is in operation 24 hours a day.
  15. NO SMOKING – Smoking is not permitted on the site nor in the parking areas.
  16. To adhere to any social distancing advice from the UK Government that may be in place at the time of your visit.